My husband, son, dog, and I headed over to Santa Cruz Mountains for camping, hiking, and fun on the beach for two days during Spring Break. We stayed at Henry Cowell Redwoods SP for one night since rain was in the forecast for the weekend. The park opened for the season on April 1st, but only half the campsites were open to campers. We got lucky with a campsite since it was walk-in only, no reservations online until May, and most folks were camping along the State beaches.
The campsites were nice, but the park itself has lots of poison oak. So, I had to keep my dog away from the low growing green vegetation that surrounds the campsite.
I did take my dog on the only trail in the park that allowed dogs. This is unusual since most of the California State Parks don't allow dogs on the trails. The trail was wide with portions of the trail being sandy, almost like beach sand.
The four of us did a lovely 6 mile hike on a trail at the Land of the Medicine Buddha, A good portion of that trail was under a canopy of redwoods and follows a creek. Yes, the creek did have water, even in this drought. I forgot my camera and phone. So, sorry no pictures from that hike. We did finish the day with a late afternoon stroll along New Brighton State Beach near Santa Cruz.
This beach allows dogs. There were many folks walking their dogs along the water's edge. My dog doesn't like the water. Instead she preferred smelling the driftwood and large rocks as we walked the beach. The sandy beach and salt water felt wonderful on the feet after the 6 mile hike.